FAC is intended for physicians and medical students.
Proudly the largest Advanced Aesthetics community in the world.
FAC – Face Academy Community was created by Brazilian plastic surgeon Dr. Patrícia Leite as an online teaching platform to raise the technical level of advanced medical aesthetics through weekly classes straight to the point and without reservations of knowledge.
In addition to the classes, the subscriber has a direct communication channel with the creator to answer questions and support in intercurrences.
All classes are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
We are the first and largest community of advanced medical aesthetics in Latin America. Thousands of subscribers, evolving clinical practice, discussing and sharing experiences daily.
At FAC, no question remains unanswered. And the best, it is personally answered by Dr. Patricia Leite in a few hours. We are a living, breathing community with over 20,000 questions answered.
FAC was thought of in the doctor’s hectic routine. You will be able to update yourself between appointments, on duty, at home or anywhere, 24 hours a day, with no limit.
Learn techniques from basics to advanced, using all brands of products on the market, without strings attached or conflicts of interest with laboratories. Get the clarity of knowledge you’ve always wanted and save years of studying
At FAC, you will find all topics from the universe of advanced medical aesthetics in one place, straight to the point and bluntly. We value your time.
FAC is a 100% online platform and you can watch it on your smartphone, tablet or computer, as many times as you want. Join the team and be prepared for the demands of your patients.
You'll have access to an exclusive, world-class medical community where your questions are answered personally by Dr. Patrícia Leite, faster than you can imagine, believe me!
Dr. Patrícia Leite Nogueira is a Brazilian plastic surgeon, member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP), member of the International Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (ISAPS). Founder of IAAC Miami, the largest course held abroad for Brazilian physicians. Author of the books: Facial Aesthetics volumes 1 and 2, in addition to Cephalometry and Facial Beauty.
Total satisfaction or immediate refund of your money unconditionally.
All new subscribers who wish to cancel FAC within 7 consecutive days can do so via email curso@faceacademy.com.br and the amount paid will be refunded to the credit card, without pranks or bureaucracy.
Yes! In each class, a discussion area is available and you can clear all your doubts directly with Dr. Patricia Leite. Questions are answered as soon as possible.
Yes, you can watch the classes as many times as you want if your subscription is active. There is no limit.
Yes 🙂 FAC subscribers have free access to old and new classes. No limit on how many times you can watch.
No. FAC is not a course with a beginning, middle and end. We are a community with unlimited content. Each month, 4 new classes will be available.
Themes will be chosen according to requests from the community, clinical cases of Dr. Patrícia Leite and based on scientific news.
FAC is intended for physicians and medical students.
Scientific Responsible: Dr. Patrícia Leite Nogueira | CRM 35736 MG | RQE 30783.
CNPJ: 30.715.781/0001-61